Wednesday, November 12, 2008

undercover brother

after watching that movie 37.4 times, i was reminded of the goodness that was that semester. Ryan had just gotten home from his mission, Mark had just gotten married, Nathan was getting ready to leave on his mission. and we were all in Provo. i'm lucky to have such good, cute, nice, normal brothers. girls want to be my friends because of my cute brothers, and boys want to be my friends because my brothers are so cool. any way you look at it, my brothers are a good thing to have around. even though cute matthew isn't up here in provo (yet...give him a couple more years) i'm still lucky enough that he wants to play with me when i go home.
i love family traditions, especially things i do with my siblings. it sounds silly to say tradition. it's more like second nature now. every time i go home, i make matthew tweety pancakes (crepes). he doesn't have to ask me to make them, and i don't have to ask if he wants them. it's just a given. bethany's home. i will have tweeties in the morning. i love that.
ok, i wasn't planning on devoting this blog to brotherly love, but thats what it's turned into...and i'm okay with that. and if you think getting along with my brothers isn't on my mental list of things i look for in a future spouse, you're insane. not that that will be hard. the poor boy will probably marry me for my brothers. and i wouldn't blame him.


Ryan said...

is our double wedding still on?

Bethany said...

you betcha. i'll let you know when i find my man.

hf said...

I totally stalk your blog and LOVE it! You make me laugh and I reflect on my own relationships with my siblings, etc. while reading about yours.

One of these days...maybe we can still get together with your fam.