If you know me at all, you know I like a good craft. I owe every crafty bone in my body to my mother-- the ultimate crafter. now that she has a little more time on her hands, she started quilting with a local quilting store that has a monthly square until you have a surprise finished product. She had this much done when I was home in January before Beb left on her mission. Impressive, right? I continue to learn more and more about my mother the older I get. She is one of the most kind and most talented people I know-- from the kitchen to the sewing machine, to book clubs to being a listening ear. If I turn out to be just like my mom, I'll be one lucky lady :)
aw cute post, i love her too :)
Tears.Thank you.
We do have the coolest mom ever. "I must go to my mother...."
That's so beautiful! I wish I was more crafty:) She's a pretty awesome mother-in-law, too!
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