Tuesday, June 18, 2013


campout this year was a success as always. it's interesting how it continues to change, but so many things will be the same...forever. we were sad that mark and megan and sophie weren't there....oh yeah, and melissa. she's usually my partner in crime and tent-mate/secret keeper/arm tickler. basically i slept in the tent with my parents--and maybe cried myself to sleep the first night that i didn't have melissa cuddled up next to me. 
(boo hoo)

okay, i had a really bad headache and had matthew crack my back and then i was trying to stretch. in true matthew fashion (he is my funniest brother) he had to make fun of me. i'm so lucky.

sorry about the quality of this picture, but this is the only group shot we got of my family before people started leaving. and it was dusk. whoops. and we all look so cute cause we've been camping for 3 days. 
big whoop.

the dance was a success (of course with DJBeth and ADJMatthew). the food was delish. church was a scorcher. and as usual, the company stellar. 
DFC 2014 will the be 50th campout. unreal, right? i feel cool being a part of such an awesome family!!

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