ok. i like reading tags on other blogs, but i've never been tagged...till now. thanks jenny. you are my favorite daughter. plus, like i said before, it's one of those days at work. warning, i'm in an honest mood today:
8 things I'm passionate about:
1- family
2- friends
3- church
4- cell phone...i must have my cell phone
5- communication
6- shoes
7- being a good sister
8- making others happy
8 words or phrases I use often:
1- really though?!?!
2- livin' the dream
3- over it
4- rocks my world
5- are you kidding me?
6- fantastic
7- girl....
8- ridiculous
8 things I have learned from the past:
1- people really do treat you differently if you are skinnier. (it's a fact of life!)
2- as much as i hated school at the time, it is the primo phase of life
3- as much as i hated dorchestra, it taught me discipline
4- honesty is the best policy
5- secrets secrets are no fun. secrets secrets hurt someone.
6- my parents really do love me no matter what i look like and no matter how successful i am. (thank goodness...)
7- friends really are very influential. I am lucky i had good friends...and i'm even luckier that when i had a few that weren't so hot, my good friends made me aware of that and forbade me to ever speak to them again. truth. it happened.
8- the church is true.
8 places I want to go or see:
1- Washington D.C.
2- San Fran
3- Belgium
4- please get me back to Nauvoo...ASAP
5- home. i love going home. (las vegas home)
6- broadway or bust
7- London
8- Venice
( i realize i've already been to most of those places, but its like ordering from a menu. i already know what i like, so....)
8 things I currently need or want:
1- new ipod...mine was lost during efy madness this summer
2- my car paid for. in full.
3- lunch. i am working through lunch so i can leave early. no food= headache. blah.
4-a boyfriend. last year i wished for a boyfriend for christmas. it worked! well, kind of. obviously it didn't "work", but christmas miracles still happen.
5- new friends. currently accepting applications. (not that my current friends are cutting it, but i need from fresh water added to the pot if you know what i mean...)
6- i would love to find my old phone. it's still currently lost at grandmas...full of all my phone numbers. now THAT would be a christmas miracle.
7- must see HSM3 again. must.
8- for boys to realize that dating and getting married doesn't have to be difficult. I would be a good wife. you could have my car. i would cook for you. do your laundry. buy you new shoes. make the bed. have the house clean when you got home from work. put you through school. and give you cute well-mannered children.
I LOVE your honesty... it's one of those qualities that makes you so irresistible!
LOVE IT! Girl, I have a feeling some Boy drama is going on...I can only guess... We need some Meg and Bethany king size bed time :)
OH my gosh Nauvoo. I got teary eyed just thinking about it. I wish I could be there right now. We had a really good life there.
Love honesty. Very enlightening. Even for sisters.
I tagged you in a recent post of mine.... YOU'RE IT!
You have been tagged before: http://nikerunner.blogspot.com/2008/10/i-have-been.html
thank you for this post mother dearest. i absolutely loved it. love you and miss you more :)
p.s. we need to chat :)
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