no, a boy did not do this. no one died, and i'm not injured. but i did cut an onion this morning. an onion of death. don't get me wrong, i've cried while cutting an onion before, but NEVER like this. tears would not stop. burn was constant. i had to take breaks and try to rub my eyes with my wrists.
my eyes are burning again just thinking about it.
while i was chopping, my roommate googled "how to cut onions without crying" two favorite suggestions were 1.learn to cut onions faster and 2. have your spouse cut the onions.
thank you google.
well I have a suggestion for you...I use frozen onions. They are already chopped and you don't have to worry about a thing. I love it cause they taste just as good as fresh ones and it's way easier and faster! They are cheap too!!
Oh Bethany I love you! You make me laugh! I hope you're eyes are feeling better. Miss you!
sniff, sniff.
hey okay so I know this is totally random but I also read that if you hold a piece of bread between your lips it also combats the crying and burning. You will have to try it out and let me know how it goes since i can't!
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