Friday, June 19, 2009

oh, now you've done it....

okay. i know i've been accused of being obsessed with my phone. hear me out. i switched back to my old phone. today i tried to make calls on that baby, and NO ONE COULD HEAR ME.
what did i do? i drove to the store. and switched back to my old phone. old phone being my blackberry.
i have to admit. the other day i walked into an office at work and heard the little message beep from a blackberry on the desk...and it made me miss mine. and now here i am. back in the saddle again.
...i'm such a sucker....


Adam R. said...

I've never thought that you've been obsessed with your phone. However, I laugh because now I think that you do REALLY like to change it back and forth. But, that's why we're friends.

Mindy said...

You may or may not have problems. Seriously. BUUUT: I love the pictures below with your BFF! :)

Whitney said...

Chocolate for life. I can't believe you went back to the Crackberry.

Zockoll said...

Why dont you get a iPhone? Or a G1? Or a Palm Pre!