Friday, July 24, 2009

oh say can you see......

are you ready for a picture overload?? this trip seemed to be less of a go and do trip and was more of a walk 43 miles and see, take a picture, and then walk 32 miles to the next site. hence, alot of pictures. done and done.
let me tell you about our trip to baltimore and DC. it was an adventure. it was a learning experience. if i went to dc again tomorrow, i'd do things differently, but for heaven sakes, we found ourselves learning things the hard way this time around. let's start out with our red eye flight we took out of las vegas. oh wait. we missed it. by a full 24 hours. red eye flights are tricky, and james from delta told us that people do it all the time. did that make me feel better about it? well, i did have to laugh when we had to hand over our credit cards to switch flights. we were now flying through memphis, and flying into dc instead of baltimore. what a way to start a trip, eh? this is while we were waiting for our new flight to leave out of vegas. the look on our faces could basically be used for the rest of the trip when it came to public transportation. without going into details, i think every train, every metro, every plane we took from here on out had a glitch or delay. lucky us.
here we are at the train station in baltimore. somehow we found our way from the airport in dc to a train stop in baltimore. not sure how we did that, but we were sure happy to see tommy after we had been delayed in memphis and lost in dc. we hung out that night in baltimore. dinner. bowling. and a comfy bed on the couch.

friday morning we met up with this boy. he felt silly having me take a picture of him at his desk, but he'll thank me later (right??) he took us on an awesome tour of the capitol building, which ended up being a highlight of the trip. cool movie. cool building. cool tour guide.

this window was just down the hall from adam's office. i love it. i want one someday.

the capitol.

natural history museum.
friday night we met up with tommy and spencer downtown and the five of us went out to dinner and walked around georgetown. i was only slightly depressed when georgetown cupcakes was closed. i didn't eat a single cupcake the entire trip. ok, thats a lie.

lincoln memorial

abe lincoln
(that's for you beb.)

war memorials

washington monument

saturday night we were back in baltimore. we went out for crab. sick. i ate a bite of it, but cindy and i ordered something else. the onion rings at this restaraunt were supposed to be the best things ever made. we ordered them, and were shocked when they came out to the table. they looked like bagels, they were so huge. each of us ate one and were full to the brim. gross.

sunday we went to church and took and afternoon nap. sunday night we went a took a walk around the inner harbor. it was a beautiful night!

monday we headed back into dc. more transportation drama. i can laugh about it now. kind of.

white house. because of metro issues, we missed our white house tour on saturday. depressing, i know.

after a long day of walking and no souvenirs yet from the trip, i talked cindy into "just looking" in this shoe store. shoes? my kind of souvenir. we both ended up buying a stellar pair of shoes.

this is our final goodbye to dc. and public transportation. we were really happy to say bye to the latter. can you blame us??

and goodbye to this boy, for a month anyways. thanks for taking time out of your busy professional schedule to play with us while we were there. lunches in the senate building, umbrellas in the rain, naming statues, gellato, singing in the streets and giggling like the old times. "did you not get enough?" loved it.
thanks to tommy for letting us stay at his house, bunk on his couches and driving us every which way. you are my favorite cousin that lives in baltimore, and the best parallel parker i have ever met.
the trip was a blast. we saw alot. learned alot.
and now i need a vacation. lake powell, here i come.


Andrea said...

can i just say the white house tour. . . OVER RATED! - i realize that everyone wants to go and i do believe that everyone should experience it for themselves. . . however. it was short and sweet. . .
so what i am saying. . in my opinionation(thank you "BLOSSOM") you didn't miss much.
looks like you guys had fun!
love ya.

Melissa said...

what does dc stand for?

abe lincoln.

Adam R. said...

oh yeah!!

Steve said...

Remember that one time you took a picture if front of the Vietnam memorial where, let me remind you, there are names of dead a** people and and you were smiling?!?! Hahaha... love it.

Kaymee said...

how fun!!! minus the part about missing your flight-do you think the guy told you that lots of people get mixed up just to make you feel better :)

Lamb said...

I like all the pictures, but the crab one... I don't like it when my food looks like it does in the wild.. looks like you had fun! I am jealous..

Meg said...

So fun!! And I AMEN you about public transport.. I nearly lost Jen in London when the bus at Paddington Place closed on me while trying to get out and Jen was already out...stupid, stupid transport :)