guaranteed this person doesnt read my blog. if they do, oh well.
it was probably a month and a half ago i was forced to go on a blind date. forced? who can force you to go on a blind date?? okay, maybe that's a strong word. coerced? guilted? whatever. this kid wanted to go out. he wouldn't let it go, so i planned a weeknight late dinner, which basically meant that it would be just that. dinner, then done. it would be perfect.
the night wasn't bad, but it was clear that nothing was going to happen. regardless, the jokes kept coming about how we should go down a dark alley and smooch the night away. this was after he didn't know how to carry a conversation, and would turn up weird music in his car and sing along. remember how i didn't really know him? just reminding you.
he left with a hug (after dinner and hanging out at my house for over an HOUR) and said we should do it again sometime. he had a blast.
dang it.
two weeks later his facebook status gloated about how much he loved his wonderful amazing beautiful girlfriend. okay. that was fast.
two weeks later, facebook told me he was engaged. congratulations.
don't worry, i got a text today telling me the official date. i was grateful the phrase "boo yeah" was there to end to text. nothing like rubbing it in your face.
let's be honest. it's not that my feelings are hurt. we were very different people, and i never thought anything romantic would happen. but seriously, how do people do it? a month and a half ago this kid was trying to get a smooch out of me after talking (kind of) for an hour over a bowl of soup. now he's living the engaged dream.
this i do know: when i get engaged and text everyone in existence, i will not use the phrase "boo yeah".